Timothy Cawley is the new President of the Jamaica Customer Service Association (JaCSA). Timothy will lead a team of young professional executives from both the private and public sectors who were elected at the Annual General Meeting recently held.
Joining President Timothy, as members of the executive body are:
- Christine Brown – V.P. Membership
- Tausa Swaby – V.P. Professional Development
- Erika Heslop-Martin – V.P. PR & Communication
- Avory Crooks – Jamaica Customer Service Song Competition Coordinator
- Charmaine Gravesandy – Co-Chair NCSW & Conference
- Delories Jones – V.P. Fundraising and Finance
- Shinel Plummer – Co-Chair NCSW & Conference
- Ixes-Roy Thomas – V.P. Marketing
- Georgette Thompson – V.P. Research & Publication
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